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At Anidris Services, we know that your career is unique, just like you:
Our recruitment process aims to highlight your talents and skills, while giving you the opportunity to learn more about our company, our culture and our values.

With People at the center of our attention, we believe that by creating a collaborative and engaging environment, we can together create a solid and optimal relationship.

Just like a recipe requires the right ingredients, the right measurements and the right timing, creating a lasting relationship of trust requires several steps!
Thus, our recruitment team will concoct a cocktail guaranteeing a welcoming and pleasant experience.


Let’s get to know each other!

Ingredients: Transparency, Communication, Authenticity

Through constructive conversation and with humility,
let's mix the ingredients until we obtain a concentrate of understanding.
Let's take the time to listen to each other to know ourselves better and thus understand
your real need.

Our advice

Let's talk a little, let's talk technical.

Ingredients: Passion, Motivation

Add to this your passion, your open-mindedness and your curiosity.
Let's take stock of your skills and knowledge together then
Let’s sprinkle it all with your motivation!

Our advice

“It’s a Match!”

Ingredients: Will, Reactivity

Our cocktail is starting to take shape, there is only one ingredient left to include:
a tripartite validation between you, us and your future client.

Let's sprinkle it all with a little patience...
and see you for the very last step of our recipe!

Our advice

Welcome! “Tchin”!

And here is a cocktail that marks the start of a new adventure!
We are delighted to taste this one in your company.

To consume without moderation, in complete conviviality
within the Anidris Services team :)

Our advice
Want to join the team?
Contact us